what you know is this - Linda King

what you know is this

truth is a personal interpretation
despite the sad news
about old friends

no speaking beyond language
and yet you depend upon small moments
angels buckle your shoes

your conclusions are blood stained
the asp listening for the flute
you were the daughter who left a daughter

the still center
state of perpetual impermanence
water filled with water

every darkness is a night
that hides the weight of objects
face on the clock words that write you

the subject is blue science
the white in-between
of letters

it's like belling the cat
or glass words

Linda King is a Vancouver, BC poet whose work has been published in literary journals in Canada and internationally. She is the author of Dream Street Details (Shoe Music Press, 2013) and a second collection Reality Wayfarers (also from Shoe Music Press) is forthcoming in 2015.