Last Lines
Escucho somnolienta los metales
oxidados de su inolvidable reír.
Los restos de la tarde lo navegan
al encuentro de su caricia pleamar.
En el cielo una costra de zoofílica
humanidad amenazaba clarear.
Algó pasó en este pueblo de mierda,
donde ni los pájaros se atreven a cantar.
Selló para siempre el letargo
de mi inútil despertar.
Todavía percibo en el rosal del aire
la huella herida de su bamboleante caminar.
Tuve un sueño de embriagado trapecista
sin red…porque tú eras el mar.
Is cut you somnolent lost metals
oxide dad Oh! Stay so in old biddable rear.
Lo, sures toast a tardy lone avenge an
all in queen trot a souk car easy a play Omar.
An else yell or a accost ready so Philly car
a man and dad a men as everclear are.
Al, go pass onus tepid blowed them year the,
dont any lost pi hurrahs say two riven a can’t are.
Say your pad awesome prayer let her go
day me in beauty desperate are.
Toad ab eon perceive own all dosa delay ray
law hey airy daddy subway rambo lay ante cam in are.
To be you sway neo-them brie argh ah dont trap ease tie
seen red…fork a two her as elm are.
Somnolent I listen as the metals rust, enjoying the unforgettable laughter of their degradation. The remains of the evening have become a starmap to navigate to hightide, its caress. In the sky, a scab of animal-loving humanity threatens to dawn. Something finally happened in this ghastly town, where not even the birds dare to sing, and it sealed away the lethargy of morning’s useless awakening. In the rosebush air, I still smell the footwound of his swaying walk. My dream: I was a drunk flying on the high wires with no net below, because you, you were the sea.
Somnoliento ay liso canasta metales ras, en llueven de un ver yegua valva o de degradación. De remo en sorda niña bebé cama estafa tuna vega tatú jato, es caro es. En descalza bovina mal lubina juman hidratado en estado. Sandía final y jabón ende es gaste donde te ve en deber es derrotismo anisete wey déle tarde amor niños ilesa guacala en. Andar o sea buche ir ay estilo esmalte fút undécima esguince alcoba tarima guasa de nunca flán anda jáguar vino neta velo, bi caso u, u lo cuerda sí.
Note: The first text in Spanish is constructed out of the last lines of several crónicas from the book Adios, mariquita linda by Chilean drag rebel, writer and activist Pedro Lemebel. All are translations of an emotion.
John Pluecker is a writer, interpreter, educator and translator. His work is informed by experimental poetics, radical aesthetics and cross-border cultural production and has appeared in journals and magazines in the U.S. and Mexico, including the Rio Grande Review, Picnic, Third Text, Animal Shelter, HTMLGiant and Literal. He has published more than five books in translation from the Spanish, including essays by a leading Mexican feminist, short stories from Ciudad Juárez and a police detective novel. There are two chapbooks of his work, Routes into Texas (DIY, 2010) and Undone (Dusie Kollektiv, 2011).