4 Poems
certainty botched
primary procedure
not understood
growing elemental
eze signal
on stationary
finding eyeplace
for longing
the return so uncertain
frozen roads
the snow piled
higher than the cars
what is one but cohering
realizations of self that appear
momentarily before shifting
trees are memory
as is the sound of a train
pulling into Jesi, Italy
as soon as an image arises
its presence fades
our wings blow reality
as ripples on water.
is this the story of what we
cannot know or what we
do not wish to face?
this language that we
work through
escapes us
still i beg the fires to stop
while the sad refrain continues
when my brain is worn
when tides cease
when hands ask for life
rain—i smell rain coming in.
tidal knowing
if in finding the waters still you
do not find peace or insanity,
then you cannot be cured.
shuffle the pieces in a story
and lay them on the table
in random order
“i sing the ancient voyage
the pathway to the dead
and the return with new
we started to collect ourselves
without advice.
hands covered with dust
in rooms of red and white
with walls covered in daytime.
William Allegrezza teaches and writes from his base in Chicago. His poems, articles, and reviews have been published in several countries, including the U.S., Holland, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Australia, and are available in many online journals. Also, he is the editor of moria (moriapoetry.com), a journal dedicated to experimental poetry and poetics, and the editor-in-chief of Cracked Slab Books (crackedslabbooks.com). His chapbooks, e-books, and books include Lingo, The Vicious Bunny Translations, Covering Over, Temporal Nomads, Ladders in July, Ishmael Among the Bushes, Fragile Replacements, and In the Weaver’s Valley.